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30/30/30 Kickstarter Challenge!

By November 20, 2013February 15th, 2014News

30/30/30 Kickstarter Challenge:

To celebrate the Stephen Petronio Company’s 30-year anniversary, we’re calling on you to help us meet our 30/30/30 challenge: we need to raise $30,000 in the next 30 days to celebrate our last 30 years of work, and launch us forward into the next 30. We’re excited to share to share a video from our Magnificent 30, featuring the incredible  Lucy Liu!

Over the remaining day of our campaign, we’ll be featuring a different member of our family every day—friends, dancers, funders, presenters, collaborators, critics, and more—who all have something to say about why the company is important to them. Join us on this journey towards 30/30/30

Master Classes at STEPS on Broadway Taught by Stephen Petronio & Company Members

Jan 13 – 24, Mon/Wed/Fri, 2:30-4:30pm


Classes are focused on building a rigorous and intelligent movement practice. Beginning with a warm-up that guides the participants to make a muscular and skeletal connection to their unique physicality, emphasis is placed on the articulation of the spine, the opening of the joints and the direction and flow of energy throughout the body and into space. This preparation is followed by phrases and variations of movement derived from Company Repertory, addressing its unique focus on dynamic sequencing, poly-rhythmic initiations and a sense of fearlessness within a complex architectural form.