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Petronio Pop-Up School at DANY, LLD at R2R

By May 9, 2013February 15th, 2014Classes, News


Monday-Thursday, 12:30-2:00pm
DANY Studios, Studio 9
305 W. 38th St. (btw 8th & 9th Ave), NYC


Classes are focused on building a rigorous and intelligent movement practice. Beginning with a warm-up that guides the participants to make a muscular and skeletal connection to their unique physicality, emphasis is placed on the articulation of the spine, the opening of the joints and the direction and flow of energy throughout the body and into space. This preparation is followed by phrases and variations of movement derived from Company Repertory, addressing its unique focus on dynamic sequencing, poly-rhythmic initiations and a sense of fearlessness within a complex architectural form.

in the River To River festival

Stephen Petronio’s latest edition of Like Lazarus Did, set in St. Paul’s Chapel, Lower Manhattan’s oldest surviving church. This event marked the third edition of LLD, created as an ongoing and shifting performance that manifests in unique forms tailored to various spaces over time. Following the procenium premiere at The Joyce Theater, LLD 6/29 continued Petronio’s exploration of the mythology of resurrection and cycles of rebirth within the intimacy of St. Paul’s Chapel with the audience surrounding the performance. The event featured live musical introduction by composer Son Lux, performance by The Young People’s Chorus of New York City, and artist Janine Antoni in a transformed installation of her “living set.”

Like Lazarus Did (LLD 6/29) was co-presented by LMCC and The Joyce Theater as part of the River To River Festival 2013.

THE CRITICS COMMENT, LIKE LAZARUS DID (LLD 4/30) April 30–May 5, 2013 Premiere at The Joyce Theater

The New York Times: “…a suggestion of spiritual striving in the turned out and tightly crossed legs, in the twisting and bucking torsos, even in the sexual energy of louche hips. Newer elements—stumbling, a hobbled quality—combine with his familiar whip-around explosions to express being in a body and trying to break free. Mr. Petronio arranges his composition complexly and expertly.”

New York Post: “Stephen Petronio’s ‘Like Lazarus Did’ is a divine piece about resurrection…the best kind of theater. It feels like a dream you might have if you found yourself in a dark, empty cathedral in the middle of the night.”

ArtsJournal, Deborah Jowitt: “…this glorious new work of Petronio’s…conceive[s] of the body as a kind of holy machine…A powerful motor drives the whirling arms; slashing legs; mobile hips; and rippling, canting torsos…exalted, white-hot…”

This Week in New York “…sixty minutes of bold and beautiful movement…’Like Lazarus Did’ is a dazzling funeral procession that is well worth being a part of.”