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$5000 Level

  • Copy of Ally, a book featuring Janine Antoni, Anna Halprin and Stephen Petronio 
  • Unlocking the Archives – access to all Bloodlines videos until November 14
  • Name announcement by Stephen during all video premieres
  • Access to Zoom Cocktail with SPC dancers with a plus one link share
  • Listing on SPC website

$2500 Level

  • Name announcement by Stephen during all video premieres
  • Unlocking the archives – access to all Bloodlines videos until November 14
  • Access to Zoom Cocktail with SPC dancers with a plus one link share
  • Listing on SPC website

$1000 Level

  • Access to Zoom Cocktail with SPC dancers with a plus one link share
  • Listing on SPC website

$500 Level

  • Access to Zoom Cocktail with SPC dancers 
  • Listing on SPC website

$250 Level

  • Listing on SPC website

$150 Level

  • Listing on SPC website